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#55 av 100 Theme Challenge


I’m waiting for you to stop the hating
I’m waiting for you to feel remorse.
I’m waiting for a world
Where my wanting can be heard
And seen and sought and known
By all.

But I’ve already waited for so long,
And seen and heard this song
Too many times already.
When will my waiting come to an end
When will you redemption to me send.
When will my world grow steady.

I’m waiting for you to stop the hating
I’m waiting for you to love again
I’m waiting for a world
Where there is peace between all men
And women and children and creatures to call
By all.

And of course above all,
The you of having your name to call
I am waiting for you
And the thing only you can do
To be done.

Övriga genrer av Gylling
Läst 234 gånger
Publicerad 2010-03-26 16:01

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