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Missinassen random, I promise.


unknown command error: setaway

(You must have SuperdAm to use command "setaway")

and for superdamn to work you need firefox
and for firefox to work you need an internet connection
and for an internet connection to work you need a computer
and for a computer to work you need electricity
and for electricity to work you need a home

and for a home to work, you need to buy it
and for buying it to work, you need money
and for money to work you need a job
and for a job to work, you need education
and for education to work, you need a school
for a school to work you need a governent
and for a government to work
you do not

Original (chat dAmn from deviantart.com #31001):
18:45:45 /setaway message
18:45:54 i cant remember if you need superdamn
18:45:55 unknown command error: setaway
18:46:05 CriG: Have SuperdAmn, darling~?
18:46:10 whats dat
18:46:34 CriG: SuperdAmn is this! : D
18:47:33 and for superdamn to work
18:47:34 you need
18:47:42 greasemonkey
18:47:51 and fer greasemonkey to work
18:47:56 you need firefox
18:48:12 and for firefox to work
18:48:18 you need an internet connection
18:48:26 and for an internet connection to work
18:48:31 you need a computer
18:48:37 and for a computer to work
18:48:39 you need a home
18:48:40 and for a computer to work you need electricity
18:48:51 and for electricity to work you need a home
18:48:57 and for a home to work, you need to buy it
18:49:04 and for buying it to work, you need money
18:49:05 and for a home to work you need a piece of the earth
18:49:12 and for money to work you need a job
18:49:20 and for a job to work, you need education
18:49:27 and for education to work, you need a school
18:49:40 for a school to work you need a governent
18:49:50 and for a government to work
18:49:51 you do not
18:49:52 need
18:49:53 Bush

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Publicerad 2010-04-04 23:39

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