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love's really tricky to try faking yourself to actually feel… uselessness come easier for me though… that's a plus...

it was supposed to be a love poem… it went sideways...

I love you…
but… you make me wanna kill myself…
… just sometimes
just a little bit… a little bit of myself...
… crude as I can be…

you make death seem beautiful…
and life… utterly unbearable…
… not all the time… no, no, no…
just most of the time…
… just when you're visible… or audible…
or every single time I think of you...

don't get me wrong though…
I love you… I… I really do…
… not that I even know your name
or how you look… or how you voice sounds…
… how you pronounce the word "tomato"
or potato…

not that it matters…

there's just something…
something about you …
something I cannot easily define…
something that makes me ache…
and long for death's cold embrace…

… with a plastic grin melted to my face


Fri vers av Jonny Larsen
Läst 198 gånger och applåderad av 3 personer
Publicerad 2010-05-18 00:04

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Jonny Larsen
Jonny Larsen