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while the ghost of this house of flesh

while the ghost of this house of flesh
is damned and burned in Marrakesh
while beauty bloats and youth yonders
time passes not in passion; it wanders
shackles turned to open arms in kind
take up arms, to arms, to arms in mind
and shoot to kill these vagaries
these zombied dreams; pale memories

a wounded tiger's cries in the night
force all to echo its owner's plight
want got him hurt; want always does
mistook the ache in his heart for something else, so he cuss':
"when love isn't pure, it is evil and weak
it is selfish and shameful and of fear it'll reek"

I saw his blessed face
and demanded that which I mustn't:
that he'd want my degenerate soul
but he doesn't

here, have another and another again
only teas from 'Kesh, only tales to my name
and a chest in the room not yet to be seen
the insides are guarded by many a fien'
colourful characters in battle and flight
take me home, to Rome, to where I have not been

I sought him, I fought him, I carried him high
laid my head in his head, laws of pride I'd defy
yet my mind wasn't still; this he pondered and ran
now I'm filled with these cries in the woods, no man
will comfort a tiger with jaws such as mine
the story of these stripes' too frightening a sign
and the jarring self pity, a pity, a pity

Bunden vers (Rim) av SaraT
Läst 328 gånger och applåderad av 2 personer
Publicerad 2010-08-02 20:52

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exciting ballad/saga, with wonderful depth
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