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unplanned english/gibberish-combo thing… un-ended...

I shall reveal, for you, a tale or two…
… a distant roar of gory tensions
building and building
to a crescendo so minute
… it's inaudible

Picture this, a sigh built like a face
held firm by gasping shoulders
balanced on a whisper's torso
and steadied by matchstick-legs…

Picture what you've pictured
and ask yourself, who…
Who did you create?
Was it me or was it you?

The story fell through at that point
… people left huffing and shrugged off the picture with eery ease

As for me, the one you've made live
… it's hard to walk on matchstick legs
but I am thankful for the face


Fri vers av Jonny Larsen
Läst 190 gånger och applåderad av 1 personer
Publicerad 2010-08-18 22:02

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Jonny Larsen
Jonny Larsen