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The Cap'n's Tale

T' tale it begins
wit' a ho an' a hoot
an' a cap'n wit' ship an' a crew—
But listen, ye see;
t' cap'n be me
out 'ere on t' open blue

Cap'n I be
in me heart an' me soul
I'd plunder an' rob days on end,
but little I knew
that all in me crew
told stories tha' none be me friend!

When enlighten'd I be
by this bloody foul fact;
I spat an' I swore at me men—
I keelhauled t' lot
an' me first mate I shot
an' they'll ne'er tell stories again!

But now I be lackin'
me men on t' ship
an' had ter search fer new parts—
in Tortuga I landed
e'en though I felt stranded,
so I bought meself rum and some tarts!

And I shouted commands
ter a seadog ter join,
but he slashed at me throat wit' his sword!
So we rumbled an' fought
an' he a lesson me taught,
so just me an' a tart went aboard!

Wit' a ship an' a tart
an' a bottle of rum
me life be a scallywag schocker
But shiver me timbers!—
I fell on me limbers
an' straight into Davy Jones' Locker!

Övriga genrer (Visa/Sångtext) av Inte Perfekt
Läst 282 gånger och applåderad av 3 personer
Publicerad 2010-08-25 21:51

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