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Girl in the dream

Met a girl with a smile, looked like made out of steel
I turn around for a moment and she was gone, gone like a spinning wheel

Cant seem to find her anywhere, where did she hide
Running, driving, looking from side to side
Shit, feels like a part is missing, like a part died

This part of my life feels empty, it aches my chest
Wont stop looking, i will drive both to the east and the west

Girl in the dream are you for real
Girl in the dream are you for real

I might have felt love, might have been falling
What happens now, ache has left me crawling

Everything feels like climbing a mountaintop
Love just hurts why can it not just stop
Wanna be happy, feel like a verse in a song of pop

What if I had our destiny in the power of my fingertips
I would never let you go, not until i touched your lips

Girl in the dream are you for real
Girl in the dream are you for real

Fri vers (Fri form) av Dennis Axelsson
Läst 371 gånger och applåderad av 1 personer
Publicerad 2010-09-06 19:44

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Dennis Axelsson
Dennis Axelsson