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Ett kort stycke ur en av dikter med Sohrab Sepehri (October 7, 1928 - April 21, 1980)... poet, målare, människa...

"Beyond The Seas"

I’ll put up a boat
And I set it free off the shore
I’ll let it take me away from this eerie land,
where nobody calls up the sleeping heroes
from the midst of their long, lonely trance.

I’ll put up a boat,
and I set it free off the shore;
a boat with no net, a boat with no seine,
with my heart cleansed of wish for pearl.

I’ll sail away on the tides,
I’ll sing all along the ride.

Neither the blues of the deeps,
Nor the mermaids, the natives of the seas
will captivate me from my solitary glide
I’ll move on with pride....


Av: Sohrab Sepehri

Översättning: Maryam Dilmaghani

Fri vers av Pilgrim
Läst 272 gånger och applåderad av 1 personer
Publicerad 2010-10-10 11:37

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