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Vet inte om någon kommer läsa och kommentera denna dikt eftersom den är på engelska och rätt lång.. Men jag ville lägga upp den för att jag känenr att den hör till de mest unika jag skrivit och jag älskar tonen..

There are words so unattractive, Cherié

I told you he had been cheating on me,
again, Cherié
\'That\'s sad\'
You said with a voice soaked in sympathy
Big grey flowers grew above the garden table
creating a solar eclipse while you sipped your rosé wine

Because its everything but sad
It is sad when a fourteenyear old popmusic girl
cries to radio songs, believing she will never love again
as the boy of her dreams
belongs to someone else
It is sad when a woman in her fourties awaitens her husband
every day
every year
in the kitchen with dinner ready
every day at five
even though he is always late from work

You wear black sunglasses and I want to laugh my Cherié
because its nothing and that\'s sad,
Cheating and Sad, what unattractive words,
The way the moon touches the sun makes me think
of beautiful words, like Rendez-vous
yet I suppose that’s not in your vocabulary
Your unintelligence once again strikes me,
the only thing you notice is your greyening hair

I think you are the one he slept with last night
You know, the smell of your hair
still lies in his pillows
You try to think faster than you can
instinctively trying to create all those lies
that almost
but just almost
would make an innocent picture

And maybe that\'s the sadness in it all
The solar eclipse remains but the darkness is just for you, Cherié

You wear the black sunglasses of dramatic mourning,
I watch the beauty in the contours of the corona

The brilliant details are so much more original than the everyday sunset
I put on a seductress\' red lipstick and go to meet my young scandinavian lover
One could say he adores me
but that word is just another word
too cliché to seize the truth

You know, Cherié
There are things more important than words

Fri vers av Queen_of_Rain
Läst 1086 gånger och applåderad av 2 personer
Publicerad 2005-12-03 23:34

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    Johanna Ljunggren
Älskar rythmen!

W O W!
det här är så bra!
att du skriver så bra och fångande på engelska!
Gah! jättebra!

(jag är inte galen, bara mållös...)

älskar särskilt:
You know, Cherié
There are things more important than words

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