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Dare to love you?

It\'s something that keeps pushing this heartbeat forward
when the mind of me are holding back
the discussions in my soul beats this feelings
but just up and down
no solutions are there to find
just these restless feelings
hard to make up in my mind

It\'s something that keeps me going towards you
when your\'e eyes captures mine
when your\'e smile crawling up and put a smile upon my face
then I become a glittering soul
with an unknowned hole
a hole of questions
questions full of hesitate

The answers that I maybe don\'t want
wan\'t to know better than I already do
the feelings I won\'t express infront of you
because I feel I\'m not going to be able to dare to love you

Fri vers av Malin Johansson
Läst 350 gånger
Publicerad 2005-12-04 21:09

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