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Imagine you behind those walls

Imagine you in a room with no walls
trying hard to understand the voice that makes you crazy
The feelings you feel you can\'t feel
when the mind of you isn\'t even there
to protect my soul from the cruelness heart of yours

Imagine your soul so breathless
that all the questions you ask yourself
becomes nothing else but dust in the air
and the searching for an answer
makes my soul fall
falling into inches of hate and regret
that you were here and took away my faith

Fri vers av Malin Johansson
Läst 397 gånger
Publicerad 2005-12-08 11:53

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No need to imagine, no need to protect yourself.
Realize, that you are here to live.
You are not here to hide.
You are not here to mourn.
You are not here for sorrows, nor laughter.
You are here to follow the flow.
The eternal flow of which you are but a tiny fragment.
Open your heart, open your mind, but don't lose track of yourself.
Don't lose faith.
You are.
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Malin Johansson

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