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It is just a dream.

When my heart is going in the dream

I closed my eyes
The dream came with the train
In my dreamworld

I realized in the dream
That I still loved you / My heart is going

When the train came
I saw you and your beautiful face / My heart is going

I heard how the music started to play
A love song / It comes from my heart
I realized that I loved you
And it was true / My heart is going

When I turned
I saw the train was gone and
You was gone
The heart was gone

When I don\'t could see you more / It was just myself I saw
I saw myself in my bed
I realized that it was just a dream / The truth were there

I loved you
But you weren\'t there

Fri vers av invisibleangel_
Läst 260 gånger
Publicerad 2006-01-04 19:58

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