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Phoenix, Arizona (on the Valley Metro line)

Ah! You polished your lies; they were shiny and blank

(On your left is the life-line
violation is on your right.)

there were never intention of writing you back
this lie is inertia, you leave me right back
[this line is intentionally left blank]

it is death by oxidation:
breathing freely, silver lining turns black
[this line is intentionally left blank]

this lie’s what’s in play now:
a damp, oozing crack
is it just the same line? [intentionally left blank]

Be that as it may;

Our line’s being slivered, ECG turning flat,

on the firing line. This is it for us, these are lies back-to-back;

its all along

the end of the lines.

You’re my life turning blank:
(me? yes, way out of line.)

The bottom line is:

[intentionally left blank]


Fri vers av Tomas Söderlund
Läst 228 gånger och applåderad av 4 personer
Publicerad 2011-11-25 22:49

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Tomas Söderlund
Tomas Söderlund