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Scary, eller? Men jag måste kommentera för er dödliga att den INTE är särskilt verklighetsbaserad. Jag skulle aldrig lämna benen kvar...


A lonely road in a forest covered with fog.
A little girl cries out the name of her lost dog.
Rain on the grave covered with earth.
The being without any feelings to get hurt.
It awakes as the steps of the girl approaches,
The being stands up, covered in hungry maggots and roaches.
The girl is still unaware of the danger,
She passes by, the being is hungry and does thus not linger.
He slowly begins to pursuit his food,
A sudden vicious growl changes the girls mood.
The darkness becomes clear to the innocent, she is horrified, screaming,
She starts to run, no way out but passed the being.
He growls yet again with a stench poisoning the air,
She feels the panic, she is out of options, it is not fair.
She screams one last time as an acknowledgement to her fate,
After a few moments it is over, the being leaves the bones of the girl he ate.

Fri vers av Bravorion
Läst 310 gånger
Publicerad 2006-01-16 13:31

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