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valued moments

There's this fragment of a memory of a dream I might have had before,
at some point, in some fashion, some sort of flash of dreamy imagery.

I can't describe it, can't make out the shapes, there's nothing I can write about it...
... just an emotional glimpse, a pang of guilt, a dash of remorse, a pinch of dread
and a bowl-full of something more... something horrible... something like love

It's like music, even if every single piece of it, if separated, suck
together it can have the ability to create something so much more...
... contained in an emotion
just an emotion... and that's all you get
and it's so much more than enough...
... enough to make you cry, smile, laugh out loud, break down completely, want to destroy every single piece of this world, or just to remember... to recall a single moment
a grain of sand in the whole of the desert that is your life

every single point must connect

and when they do

there you are

in the now and in the then


for a fraction of a glance of a blink of an eye

the emotion though...



Fri vers av Jonny Larsen
Läst 186 gånger
Publicerad 2011-12-09 13:08

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Jonny Larsen
Jonny Larsen