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Rip It

Rip it


holes in my skin and curls of burned edges
makes a puzzle of war on my body..on the side and over it.

full stop.

It’s time to go on when life feels small it’s time for grand movements towards love n life
-not even close-

Hurt is a good start. The beginning of the depth of the shit pile is close . ..here.. let’s make it here.

hurt out of love hurt out of lack of love hurt out of lack of being able to love – myself, you , her ..him.

hurt from rejection, hurt from loneliness, hurt from not being perfect, hurt from not being able to give you, hurt from failing to satisfy, hurt from childhood, hurt from father, hurt from leaders – teachers big ones.

hurt in the pain, hurt in the bones hurt in the lower back hurt in the brain…hurt smile…

Fingers trembling…don’t breath.. bodily emotionally spiritually frozen dead of lightning chock

a slow long look into the withering paper mug – brown stains eating its way through the walls. at some time will come out. for good. we are alike. some fluid of moving liquid is still inside. the body. nearly moving.

Fri vers av Nio
Läst 163 gånger
Publicerad 2012-01-10 14:01

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