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A once brilliant world, reduced to nothingness (English rhyme)

The brilliance of every vibrant color,
Has been tainted black and gray,
All that remains is a feeling so hollow,
All joy, turned into dismay.

Black jagged arrows,
piercing a heart,
crimson liquid spills,
it's tearing apart.

Unbearable silence covers all sound,
All is engulfed in the darkest void,
For I peered into it all and found,
what once was, is now destroyed.

Thick heavy air,
Pushes down,
not able to bear,
I simply drown.

Before all awareness decay,
I think back on yesterday,
On all that dismay,
That I couldnt sway,
So now I simply slay,
Slowly, die away.

Bunden vers (Rim) av //Nikita
Läst 242 gånger och applåderad av 2 personer
Publicerad 2012-04-17 12:58

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