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I heard an angel sing once.

It was something I had never dreamed of

It was music, but music that was not heard, but felt
It coursed through my veins like ice and fire, making me shiver and sweat in equal measures
Sweeping over my skin, clawing and carressing at the same time like a lover lost in passion
Music that numbed my ears and brought burning tears to my eyes, cleansing me from all that which would see me tainted
It was a sound that could wake the dead, kill the living and offer salvation for those inbetween

From the piano sprang a melody so sweet and sharp that the air vibrated with it.
Her voice a perfect counterpoint, running in circles around the notes from strings that seemed to pull me from my feet. It dulled my aches and shattered every bad dream i ever had, and some i did not even remember. Somewhere a drum forced a beat through the narrow spaces in the melody and my heart followed the rhythm, almost forcing it's way out of my chest.

I fell in love, right there and then. And I have not looked back since.

I heard an angel sing once.

And I found myself trapped within her heaven.

But as prisons go, this one isn't so bad...

Fri vers (Fri form) av Albin Jonsson
Läst 334 gånger och applåderad av 4 personer
Publicerad 2012-05-13 23:40

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"It was a sound that could wake the dead, kill the living and offer salvation for those inbetween"

Even more genius! Tycker om hur du flätar in musik och kärlek i en och samma dikt, hur kan det inte bli bra då?
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Albin Jonsson
Albin Jonsson