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I still love you

We met
You were wonderful
I fell in love

We were separated
My sadness was great
I was in love

You told me
"I like you"
I told you
"I love you"

You said that it would never work
I was devastated
I loved you anyway

You stopped talking to me
My attempts went unsuccessful
But I loved you still

You got a girlfriend
I was both sad and relieved
My love began to fade

I fell in love with someone else
He to was wonderful
But the thoughts of you still nagged me

You broke up with your girlfriend
I finally dared to talk to you again
We became friends once more

We met again
For the first time in a very long time
I was nervous

You were still wonderful
More wonderful than ever
And I was only able to form one clear thought

Is it weird
Am I weird
For still loving you

Fri vers av MayFlower
Läst 303 gånger och applåderad av 5 personer
Publicerad 2012-06-28 14:31

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