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En gång i tiden så funderade jag på att bara skriva på engelska Men jag märkte att jag vara bättre på svenskan...

Come on and dance with me!

I gonna be by your side all the time

You gonna see

If you don´t want I can dance for you

I gonna show you how to do


Dance to the left, dance to the rights

Feel it like you gonna get into a fight, in the Midde

of the night

Yes, you most show them that you are the Queen

The Queen on the floor

I know you gonna show them

That´s for sure

Now you can dance!

So come on and dance with me

Let´s dance this place down to the ground

And let us feel the feeling like it´s you and me

here on the floor

And we dance the hole night long, when the music play

their love song

for just you and me...

Ken Cassel

Fri vers av Ken Cassel
Läst 164 gånger och applåderad av 3 personer
Publicerad 2012-07-30 13:02

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  Ewa-Britt Nilson VIP
I also
love to dance
I do hope
you get
your chance!
Well written!

  Daniela I
Den här är ju bra :)
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Ken Cassel