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A keyboard life.

On , Enter
Give me Space, cup of JAVA at the menu bar - multitascing
LOL, Loose Ctrl and Esc

Num Lock and call her up
Turn On , Insert hardware in software, Pause Break, Alternate, Home by BUS
Open Windows, get Macbook Air

Apple, full, hungry again
Travel, multitenant, Go to the Amazon, Yahoo!

Play it safe, database
flick the switch, erase
Breath, stay seated, read it, delete it.

Wait a minute.. BACKUP.

Pop-up Mom-up
Process cookies
Runtime, snapshot - Home again.

Zero Day Exploit

Fri vers av Karl Saxell
Läst 347 gånger
Publicerad 2012-09-04 13:01

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Karl Saxell
Karl Saxell