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Waking up

When the first light of day treads carefully on my eyelids
And the smell of green apples wafts through the air
A soft touch on my arm
And a smile in my chest
When I know I don't need to open my eyes
To know that you are all I can see
I breathe in a life
I have wished for for so long

When you hide your smile
Behind a hand with painted nails
When you hold your breath
And wait to see if I'll laugh
You twist your blue ring on your finger
And bite your lower lip
I break a little inside
And you stitch me back up
With thread of gold and scarlet silk

Fri vers (Fri form) av Albin Jonsson
Läst 120 gånger och applåderad av 2 personer
Publicerad 2012-10-17 01:42

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Albin Jonsson
Albin Jonsson