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A moment in time

It was a night I wish would never end
But it had to and I am glad it did

She was like fire, untamed and untempered
In slashes of light and color she ruled the haze, the lights and the rhythm

Her body spoke volumes her mind didn't even comprehend
And mine reacted to the effortless perfection of her movement
My hands on her hips, being guided as much as guiding
My eyes locked onto hers as she lead me into bliss
Her lips burning mine with the heat of truth and simple desire

She was leaving

Ten days until she was gone forever, to a land far away

And it made everything so simple

With nothing to lose i didn't have to gamble
There was no need for charm, servility or embellishment
I was me, as I am, as I always have been and as I hope to be
And she smiled and walked away

Her dismissal told me to give up
But her eyes spoke of wants and needs and musts
Her smile told me to follow
And follow I did

We danced for hours, under synthetic lights, in a fake fog with digital music pounding the beat through our bodies

When I faltered she slowed, took my hand and whispered in my ear
I want to dance with you until I leave
And I found the strength to carry on
Because her skin was Nirvana
Her eyes were Paradise
And her lips were Heaven

Finally the music stopped
In a panic I took her hand, afraid the spell might be broken
I know meetings like these are mercurial and my whole being told me i was unfinished
She flashed a smile as pure as falling snow, eyes sparkling like winter morning frost
Sit, hold me here and speak as if you've never spoken before
And I did
I poured my soul and my heart and my desire into words
I spoke of her fire and her passion and the love of something unspoken
She replied in kind as if impossibility was null and void that night

We spoke of trivial things, of dreams and hopes, lost and found
Of finding a world our hearts would fit and someone to see it with

We kissed and held and hoped and loved.
I say loved, but I don't mean love as it is known
I can't love someone I don't know
But we loved
We loved the idea of the possible improbability

And then it was time
It was time to say goodbye

I didn't ask her name, nor she mine
We kissed one last time and I told her
For what it's worth, it's a shame you won't follow me
But it wasn't
Because things we know can change
I told her that some time before our parting
That she was something i couldn't and wouldn't have
She was something I wanted to experience and leave untarnished

And I did

And walked on clouds on my way home

With my first perfect memory fresh in my mind's eye.

Fri vers (Fri form) av Albin Jonsson
Läst 273 gånger och applåderad av 2 personer
Publicerad 2012-11-18 04:36

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"I was me, as I am, as I always have been and as I hope to be" - så himla snygg mening! Det fångade mig rejält.
Du har väldigt fint språk. Dina ord är enkla men förklarar så mycket. Snyggt! ;)
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Albin Jonsson
Albin Jonsson