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My curse in love

As my soul seems restless and my heart at sleep
Many sorrows, lost places and drowning feelings in weep

Breaking boundaries in vain with burdens to keep
A lost knight with many battles felt to his feet

Once with shiny dreams and a compassion like satin sheet
With reflecting eyes from two lovers and friends that were bound to meet

And now when many years has gone as lovers did in between
Have broken hearts changed their love as it is hard to seem

But when destiny finally has given me one more chance to make her my queen
Do i hide my scars and the ugliness of love i for many years have seen

Because i am cursed in this body with a restless soul and a heart with an helpless dream
So if not she can see who i really am, nobody can and will never have me.....

Fri vers av Christopher Constantinos Bernardi
Läst 375 gånger och applåderad av 2 personer
Publicerad 2013-04-02 02:27

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  Jeflea Norma, Diana. VIP
sällan en dikt som denna dag eftersom den är skriven av en man är lite sorgligt.
smink och vacker flicka i hjärtat Det finns inte.

  Bo Lövhalka
Nice! I like he rhyme
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Christopher Constantinos Bernardi
Christopher Constantinos Bernardi