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Never ever & Forever





and you said

that you felt alone

that you needed some love

and I saw your eyes

as they filled up with tears

and it broke my heart

because such a wonderful girl

should never feel like that


to me

you are magical

you're the kind of girl

that I thought only existed in my dreams


but there you are

an unseen beauty

that's now been seen

unaware of the feelings

you've been planting inside of me


and as each day pass me by

I feel that it's such a waste

because I know deep inside

how much

how badly

I'd rather be by your side

to hear you laugh

to see you smile

to be able to hold your hand in mine


that day

has yet to come

but when it does

I hope that it'll never end


never ever


so that we can be together







Fri vers av Nicklas
Läst 450 gånger och applåderad av 21 personer
Publicerad 2013-08-27 04:05

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