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LADY PAIN (For L. with despair and love)

Now the winter's gone

and spring strucks my eyes

Oh I miss you Lady Pain

Your eyes, your lips

and our love in vain

Now the spring is gone

and summer strucks my eyes

Oh I miss you Lady Pain

Your eyes, your lips

and our love in vain

Now the summer's gone

and fall strucks my eyes

Oh I miss you Lady Pain

Your eyes, your lips

and our love in vain

Now the fall is gone

and winter strucks my eyes

Oh I miss you Lady Pain

Your eyes, your lips

and our love in vain

Now everything is gone

and darkness strucks my eyes

Oh I miss you Lady Pain

Your eyes, your lips

and our life in vain

© BB

Övriga genrer (Visa/Sångtext) av Björn Björkegren/Blue Bear
Läst 496 gånger och applåderad av 6 personer
Publicerad 2013-10-31 17:07

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  Björn Björkegren/Blue Bear


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Very nice! All the way down!
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Björn Björkegren/Blue Bear
Björn Björkegren/Blue Bear