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Många behöver en hjälpande hand

You above


Need some help tell me how
I can get him past this
no more way´s to think of
need your helping hand

You above hear my pray
please tell me your conclusion
on the problems that appear
and give me a solution

Think he´s really had enough
pushed around, to the ground
let him find his path now
let him find some peace now

You above hear my pray
please tell me your conclusion
on the problems that appear
and give me a solution

Change in heart, change in life
only You can do it
let him find some peace of mind
and finally get through it

You above hear my pray
please tell me your conclusion
on the problems that appear
and give me a solution

Övriga genrer (Visa/Sångtext) av Christin Lederman VIP
Läst 389 gånger
Publicerad 2015-02-13 18:41

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Christin Lederman
Christin Lederman VIP