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Don´t give in


Tell me what to do and I will give a helping hand
I will not disturb you just silent by you stand
I hear your call of pain, why must it end this way
You ask a lot of questions but I have nothing to say

I will carry your pain and
I will give you more courage
Power to manage what stands in your way
I will carry  your pain and
I will give you more courage
Don´t ever give up  - don´t give in

Can someone tell me why things happen like this
Feeling so helpless just standing in dismiss
Come let me warm your crying soul that hearts
Help you to get through this and give you,
give you all that I got

I will carry your pain and
I will give you more courage
Power to manage what stands in your way
I will carry  your pain and
I will give you more courage
Don´t ever give up  - don´t give in




Övriga genrer (Visa/Sångtext) av Christin Lederman VIP
Läst 470 gånger och applåderad av 1 personer
Publicerad 2016-03-18 18:22

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Christin Lederman
Christin Lederman VIP