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An homage to Hunter S Thompson and Gonzo:

Hunter S Thompson, Gonzo and Noah's ark

And today, in what must be described as groundbreaking news a local homeless man found Noah’s ark.

Apparently it had been hidden in a cave outside west Memphis Arkansas.

News reporters and religious leaders from all over the world are, in what must almost be described as a pilgrimage, flocking to this spectacle.

The reporters all want something to report for the modern day twenty-four hour news cycle,-the endless reburp of brainfarts and lies. And the religious leaders are all desperately trying to seek confirmation for their dying universes.

Like ants desperately trying to raid a picnic table and as desperately being fenced off by the the police behind their yellow tape as a fold up newspaper.

Myself I wonder,what is in that goddamn cave. This ship must be a horrendous sight. A gigantic wooden ship,aged for decades and filled to the brim with the corpses of every animal that have ever existed. My god, what will come of this.

Will the inquisition restart or will the dying ship and clean bones of what once was, lead to an end to the endless madness and delusion,

The spectacle continues,the leaders in dresses each one weirder than the other are chanting and people are crying more intensively than the north Koreans after Kim Jong-iL's fall.

Imagine, all this madness over a ship and a God that’s been dead long before Nietzsche's deceleration. The Germans did win the second world war and this is worse than the the Reich that followed

I really need some drugs, this reality is to fucked for me, so I take a ginormous amount of PCP and directly meet God and together we laugh at the spectacle below.

What fucking morons he said:
-But I love them,they will learn or perish, it does not really matter. I created them and I can create what I want.

I looked at him with amazement and took some more PCP and blacked out in my motel room

Out there the news story continues,a fucking boat in a fucking cave, that’s it.

Övriga genrer (Essä/Recension) av Jonas S. Lundström
Läst 862 gånger och applåderad av 3 personer
Publicerad 2014-02-27 08:08

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Jonas S. Lundström
Jonas S. Lundström