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Photo: "Flower moon"


Under artificial light
I have planted my roots
in artificial soil

I am the Plant
living in a hothouse
isolated from nature

Banished and humiliated
Reduced to an object
in my own creation

Watch life pass on TV,
and giving blowjobs
to politicians

This must be for real

The world must work this way
- This is reality !
with common sense they say

Worship at the altar of science
obey the inexorable laws of nature
or prepare yourself for inquisition

Yes, I am a plant
living in a hothouse

Sentenced to confusion and pain
until something sets fire to reality
so that the plastic melts around me

Övriga genrer av Jonas S. Lundström
Läst 231 gånger och applåderad av 1 personer
Publicerad 2014-04-03 11:00

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Jonas S. Lundström
Jonas S. Lundström