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I cry out for a mother
But deaf dumb and blind

Blinded by handsome
Body armour made
out of self deceit

Deaf by
the deafening screams
of self neglect

Dumb by fear and guilt

Alone my journey continues
Lost, confused scared and sad
I walk my path alone

Darkness dwelling
The fog thickens
I cry for my Father

But there have never
been one
Not even in heaven

My cries for acceptance
To not be worthless
Are sick and pathetic

To those
who were Supposed
to protect

And to shield
me from
The brutality of the world

I knew only brutality at home
I knew only fear and violence
It was fed to me with the milk

I am the not normal one
I am the sick one
I need a lobotomy.

I still Cry out for my mother
She can not handle me anymore
Alone I dwell in darkness

Happy birthday to you
Mr president
Happy Birthday to you.

Photo: Autism denied

Övriga genrer av Jonas S. Lundström
Läst 212 gånger och applåderad av 1 personer
Publicerad 2014-04-29 01:39

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Jonas S. Lundström
Jonas S. Lundström