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Hear the song by me and i upload it here to the right --->>> eller dutuben https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mYEBu5ho3zI


Everything in the world is

Rissen by the vision of the slut

The vision of the slut is all we got

What the slut got is a mystery

But she marched us all the way here

Let see if the morning dew is real

The vision of the slut is all we got

What the slut got is a mystery

Everything in the world is

Rissen by the vision of the slut

The vision of the slut is all we got

What the slut got is a mystery



Fri vers (Fri form) av jimrsbjorklund
Läst 198 gånger och applåderad av 1 personer
Publicerad 2014-09-09 21:52

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