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Skriven 2010, när tea-party rörelsen var som mest aktiv under kongressvalet i USA.

Shades of Grey

Hello. My name is Pete.
I'm an original american hero
I was injured on my first tour
now I can't seem to come back.
I need wheels underneath
to stay on track.
Expensive meds
to fight demons in the night
not to mention the pain.

In my neighbourhood
I'm simply known as
Pete, the original.
I need welfare checks
to pay rent
and to heal my spirit.
No, I don't spend it on spirits
it's the truth and that's
all I can say
but would you believe me anyway?

Hello. My name is Sheena.
I'm the girl next door.
I spent years in college
to get a degree.
My parents couldn't pay to get me through
and the student loans piled up
now as a fresh baked Dr. in philosophy
I've discovered that nothing is free.
Now all I can do to get by
is to cash my welfare check with a sigh.
I've become what I tried not to be
but if I told you
would you believe me?

Hello. My name is Hank.
I used to live the american dream.
I had a nice car, a nice house,
a pretty wife and pretty kids
and a good chunk of change in the bank.
100% selfmade
I built my company from scratch,
I took my son to the park on sundays
to play catch.
One lousy bite from one lousy bug
was all it took to tear down the castle,
wish I'd discovered in time
it wouldn't have been such a hassle.
Now, medical problems are chronic
not to mention costly.

My house, my car, my wife, my kids
are all gone,
my nice chunk of change on the bank
vanished without a trace and my
company was lost.
Now all I can do to get by
is to cash my welfare check with a sigh.
I've become what I worked so hard
not to be,
but if I told you would you even believe me?

Fri vers av Elisabeth H
Läst 201 gånger och applåderad av 5 personer
Publicerad 2015-02-25 11:09

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  Lars Hedlin
Very nicely written!

  Staffan Nilsson
Lika aktuell i dag!

    ej medlem längre
Bra skrivet Elisabeth

The land of the free... ;)

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Elisabeth H
Elisabeth H