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Watch no television
Minds like sience fiction
Have some addictions
Think it brings me visdom
Life as an illusion
But dont you feel let down
We can't hesitate now
Don't share any social skills
Not so good in any sport
Think that i cant be taught
Funny how it is sometimes
Storrys allways comes around
But i will never be afraid
Cause i use weed as sleeping aid
Everything is fading like dreams
Cause a moment of clarity is to sweet
In love with the glimpse of time
In the mirror starring at someone else
The landscape is on fire
Go back trust your fate
It's just one wish away
In the distant sky
Hold on until it's to late
There's no need to pretend
No matter were we go
Future never shows
Minutes, Hours, Days
No one ever knows
Fallin in time
And their is no delays
Things will never be the same
But still we can feel this way
I feel so right
I feel so good
Sombody please do believe that i should

Fri vers (Fri form) av Starchilled child
Läst 197 gånger och applåderad av 1 personer
Publicerad 2015-10-05 01:48

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Starchilled child