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Illusionize love and pain.

Waiting for the unconscious to find me

Tries to see
Find a home inside the heart
And the demons haunting
Demonstrating the mind
Of my infinity
Of my illusions
Pre determination is runing out
Falling inbetween
The cracks in your eyes
I see you
Have you been dreaming
Listening to someone
So what's the meaning
Save me from my sorrow
Save me from walking any further
Cause i try to hold it so hard
In my attention is where you are
Can't take it for granted
Cause i can't even find
My own suspicus mind
The ghost keep's looking out
And if this is for real
With no longing at all
Surely i will fall
Right into your arm's
Building a pyramid
Once it feels to real
Dreams are flashbacks
Now flash yourself
Searching for another hope
Traces of fire
Might as well
Burn to the ground

Fri vers (Fri form) av Starchilled child
Läst 286 gånger och applåderad av 2 personer
Publicerad 2015-12-09 04:01

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  Lars Hedlin
Very nicesly written :)
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Starchilled child