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Love fool

Mercutio the fool said that If love be blind, love cannot hit the mark

But let us be honest now for once,
our aim is not the problem here

We are not struck with fever
and our eyes are sharper than ever

Love might be blind but it's fiery arrow will find the mark and light the spark

The uncontrollable flames of the love revolution can no longer be put out

We take it out to the streets, hold each others hands, dance and shout:

"Mercutio you fool there is no mark
only our own divine spark"

That is unconditional love
our never ending light

Fitting our souls like a glove
on a hand ready to fight

Övriga genrer av Jonas S. Lundström
Läst 351 gånger och applåderad av 1 personer
Publicerad 2016-01-23 02:10

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Jonas S. Lundström
Jonas S. Lundström