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“Let the many stop fearing the few”

Thou shalt not kill says the Decalogue
but looking through history it is like a skymall catalogue

Of despicable human behaviour and now we live
in a world where no country trusts its neighbour

It does not take any stone tablets to understand
the width of the hypocrisy at hand

Men pretending to worship something more than their own desires
who fool the people into war with false flag fires

Spreading fear and hate with very deliberate propaganda
to further their own twisted and dark agenda

To enslave us without our knowledge of our own enslavement
telling us that killing is wrong unless it is an enemy needing to be stomped into the pavement

And they laugh at the war generated money filling their pockets and at the despair in the air
like the smell of napalm in the morning "our cause" is always always fair

That our ends justify the means we are told daily by the ones in darknessand that collateral damage is acceptable because some are just worth less

A man professing to believe in the religion serving him the best
killing thousands while given the peace prize without protest

Norwegian academics brought new speak to a quantum leap
and the ones who marched for peace now have a mass murdering sheep

Appointed as the most authoritative noble man of peace by the Nobel committee
With the stroke of a pen the peace movement stopped to march as free

Now a threat to national security and new speak peace by demanding no more war
and caring for all brothers and sisters like Jesus cared for the whore

Habeas Corpus revoked, secret tribunals and all while the pope screams for more
take the gays, the poor and the needy too so we can praise our core

Letting the elite play chess with all the confused bodies and souls
turning us into heartless and obedient ghouls

Until manual labour are no longer needed and almost all resources are depleted
then the big flag will be raised and most of humanity erased and deleted

We must rise, rejoice and fight for love, tooth and nail
We need to awaken beyond the lies and see the truth behind the veil

That we are further into darkness than ever before but we think it is lighter
fooled by the colorful screens surrounding us all and keeping our minds tighter

Making us believe that what we see and hear is reality and not an illusion
Telling us that our souls are a hoax and spirituality a sick confusion

When love is our constitution and our souls are one and the same
the dark ones know that unconditional and divine love can spark a flame

Strong enough to engulf the world in the fire of love
and show us that what we all thought was above

Is within and that we with that knowledge always will win
knowing our love is the light and that violence is a sin

When the darkness now is blind we will show mercy to the worst of mankind we can find
and break this vicious cycle so to never again turn blind

To our nature as unconditional love and that we are merely waves that mesh into illusions of identity but in the end the same sea, the same love only different in flesh

By Jonas S Lundström
Digital art: "Axis of darkness" and text 2015-08-17

Fri vers (Fri form) av Jonas S. Lundström
Läst 252 gånger och applåderad av 2 personer
Publicerad 2016-01-23 18:39

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Jonas S. Lundström
Jonas S. Lundström