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Today you would have been a teenager
and hopefully a happy laddy not consumed by anger or anxiety and fear like daddy

I stand here at the bridge, missing what never was In tears over spilled milk that's
still standing firmly in the fridge

To jump would not materialize what was never meant
Yet I hear the sirens call for my fall
but these days I hardly listen to them at all

Instead I scream back my anguish at the canvas
hearing it reply that I live now in the moment
and not in the shadows of what was

By Jonas S Lundström 2015-11-12

Mixed Acrylics and Mosaic on canvasboard 50 x 70 cm
Poem handwritten on back.

The creative world of Jonas S Lundström:

Fri vers (Fri form) av Jonas S. Lundström
Läst 260 gånger och applåderad av 2 personer
Publicerad 2016-01-25 09:46

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  Jonas S. Lundström
Tack Nellie <3

wow soundtrack till min dag, skönt,
kan ja lägga ner gitarren
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Jonas S. Lundström
Jonas S. Lundström