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Life is a curious thing

We never know when things will shift, turn and just go bad
Just sit down and think of the things you could have done
If you find out that you could have done things different
Do that instead
Because life could just shift, turn and just go bad.

You will never know when you get a second chance
Just sit down and think of all the chanses you missed out on
If you find out that you should have taken one of the chances
And you get a second chance

Take it!
Before it´s to late
Because life could just shift, turn and just go bad

Sit down review your own Life
Think of the opportunities you had
With the missed out things and chances in your Life
If it all adds up, then you are ok
But if it doesn´t, then you have some work to do
Because life could just shift, turn and just go bad

Live the moment!
That is what we all say
That is what we all know

But still

Fri vers (Fri form) av Dennis Axelsson
Läst 220 gånger och applåderad av 2 personer
Publicerad 2016-02-19 11:16

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  Alexander Gustafsson VIP
we don't
jag bara fortsatte där, vet inte om det var meningen? vet inte riktigt vilken feeback du vill ha, och är medveten om att man kan säga precis det samma om det jag skriver. Så jag bara undrar?
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Dennis Axelsson
Dennis Axelsson