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Man skaffar barn innan man utbildat sig, innan man skapat sig själv. Sedan undrar man varför barnen faller så snett, skyll dig själv. Hade du börjat tidigare med dig själv innan du tyckte barn var gulligt Hade framtiden kanske sett annorlunda ut för di

Passing on Intelligence

Passing on intelligence to the after world
Rather then passing on an new generation of
kids with pads larger then their word knowledge
Educating yourself
Right before you try on raising an infant
Just because it is smarter to be smart
Rather then creating a product of God's art
Just because it looks good, it doesn't have to appear good
Life is good, experience knowledge on a higher volume
School your well being, and get head on to ge ready
on just being, like a monk, meditating just none-staring
The beautiful in just appear in things
No need to create more man siblings
Give the earth a chance to breathe
Man a virus on Gaia, like existing at it ( in the first place)
She's good, with the grass growing (at it)
An enviroment like x-rated, stupidness flowering
Give an oscar to the lone wolf, for not blooming
Like the rest of us, forgetting the habitat is destroying
Where to live, for the next to come
When all things cease to exist, where to welcome
The alien breed, that created our beings
0,8 on the Kardashev scale, far from that meeting
A dyrus sphere, surrouned the solar system
it's a fiction for the fictionist, where we're going

kids growing up with Apples, none science
like Newton, expertised on gravity
We pro on savaging the planet gravely
The relevance in having babies
quit the madness, we organisms adding
stupidness to the universe, expanding
backwarding society, compared with cave painting
haggards, printing the history retarded
rolemodels, Minajs, waynes and drakes
head on a culture whispered: caged mices
the adventure is rotten the brain quickiest
television, with no future vision, feeling no brighter
even though tv is like a lighter, on fire

Bunden vers (Rim) av Origa Rael
Läst 340 gånger och applåderad av 1 personer
Publicerad 2016-03-06 16:02

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Origa Rael
Origa Rael