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Lying here in bed thinking...
Trying to get really awake...
Time flies away
Goes so fast

Sometimes I wish
I could stop the time!
That I could press
the pause button!

Sometimes I wish...
... I could rewind the time
... That I could be younger again
... That I shall not get older

Wish I wasn't always feeling tired
which I unfortunately do
because of the damn stroke!

Of course I am
so very thankful
of being alive!
That is the very first step!

I am trying my very best
Every single day
All the time!
Trying so very hard!
Struggling like Hell!

Every day I try
to cope and get things
sorted out...
To understand

There are so many questios...
Why me?!
Why did did this
happen to me?!

Wish there was some things
that wouldn't have been the result

But the most important thing
is that I survived that night
That I am alive!

I know there is a special reason
and I every day
am so very happy
that I am alive!
That I am still here!

The reason is
that my time hadn't come yet!
My time for dying
wasn't there yet

Thanks so very much
God and all the Angels!
For letting me stay alive!

The reason is
that I still
have so many things left
to do on my way
through life!

The reason is
that my work here on Earth
still isn't finished yet!

We all are here in Life
to learn how to be
better Souls
To be better people

I am not perfect
But I so very much
want to be
a better person
A better Soul

I so very much want
to be better be at help
for all people
and creatures
around us

For the Nature
Fir our world
For the entire

The reason is
that I still
have so much to learn
about myself
About Life!

My goal is
to really learn
how to be even more
for everything
that has been
given to me

I really hope
That I, one day
Finally can be that
better person
That better Soul

I really hope
Little by little
Every single second
I really hope
that I will come closer...

I so very much try
I so very much struggle
To learn how to be
That better person
That better Soul

My Goal is
To be that better person
That better Soul

All the time I pray
that I will succeed
That I, one day,
will reach my Goal!

One step a time!

Fri vers (Fri form) av PequeñaGatita VIP
Läst 353 gånger och applåderad av 1 personer
Publicerad 2016-04-01 11:34

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Vilken stark öppen text som berör starkt att läsa. Jag tror att den gör sig bäst just som den är skriven, på engelska. Den ställer frågor och ger svar och öppnar för fler frågor. Den gör mig ledsen och den gör mig glad, den är klok och mogen, sårbar. Fantastiskt text som jag är säker på går att finna nya saker och infallsvinklar varje gång den läses. Den visar på hur det är att vara människa och det vet vi ju alla, på olika vis genom just vår egen resa och dess upplevelser. Att vara en god människa och strävan efter att bli ännu lite bättre. Att leva genom sitt hjärta. Tack för berörande och stärkande text.
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PequeñaGatita VIP