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Go into the highways n the byways

Go into the highways and the byways
Speaking the gospel of the Lord
Giving hope, spreading love and compassion.

We're the army of God
The darkness must flie
Victory is already won
There's a party in the house of God

Stand in the corners and the crossways
Go behind the fences and hedge-rows
Giving hope, make a change, set people free

Setting fires, lighting flames
Changing hearts, changng minds
There's a party in the house of God

Go into the cities and villages
Telling them, compelling them
To come into the house of God

We're the people of God
We're binding the strong man
setting people free

Come let's sing in the house of God

Come let's dance in the house of God

Come on and praise in the house of GOD
There's a party in the house of God.
Lukas 14:

Fri vers av Qvinn n'Lion
Läst 277 gånger och applåderad av 3 personer
Publicerad 2016-05-16 00:44

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Qvinn n'Lion
Qvinn n'Lion