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Is this for real

Last time I met you, you made me wanna shift countries, thats a fact
From that moment all I think of is going back
I feel trapped

I never thought I would meet someone like you in this city
Never thought I would meet someone this pretty

If this feeling is real, please dont stop me
If this feeling is real, please dont stop me

I´m walking, wondering, standing by all the different stations
Don´t know if you will turn up or from where I got my patience

But when you turn up I hope you will stay all night
If not, i want to cry, want to die, but when you change your mind
I will be alright

If this feeling is real, please dont stop me
If this feeling is real, please dont stop me

As I said, for you I will crawl in the dirt
Even dont care if I get hurt
I can rip, tear, my fancy shirt

So tell me if you are home
Tell me if you are all alone

The love I feel for you will take me higher
I want to, I hope to, to be there and forfill your desire
No mather what you will hear, no mather what they say
I´m not that kind of liar

If this feeling is real, please dont stop me
If this feeling is real, please dont stop me
If this feeling is real, please dont stop me

This might be the best girl in the whole wide world

If this feeling is real, please dont stop me

Fri vers (Fri form) av Dennis Axelsson
Läst 312 gånger och applåderad av 2 personer
Publicerad 2016-05-23 16:18

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Dennis Axelsson
Dennis Axelsson