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Beat that feeling

Entered the room
Eyes scouting, seeking

Stopped, saw her face
Eyes scouting, seeking

Two steps forward, wondering
Two steps back, fondeling
Steps up, close. Smiling.

In my arms for one song.
Might have been two minutes
Might have been three.

When she left the room, everything went empty.
Eyes scouting, seeking

But I kept her smell on my sweater
Wondering, fondeling

My soul went empty, a hole
Eyes scouting, seeking

Soul seeking, wondering, fondeling
Soul seeking, wondering, fondeling

She stepped back in to the room
Missing piece of soul was found
Souls healing, souls healing

Nothing can beat that feeling

She stepped back in to the room
Missing piece of soul was found
Souls healing, souls healing

Nothing can beat that feeling

Fri vers (Fri form) av Dennis Axelsson
Läst 381 gånger och applåderad av 3 personer
Publicerad 2016-06-02 11:01

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Dennis Axelsson
Dennis Axelsson