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Sky lantern

A cerulean sky lantern
is floating slowly through hell

I turn my head to the left and become aware
of the ticking of the wall clock

It strikes me
that it is eerily similar
to how you still must have believed
yourself to be happy
some twenty minutes ago

The curled up dog is dreaming
the morse code of a
silent run
transmitting through its paws

As I recall your questions
would come down as lightning
or like used up poetry
that carries enchanted flowers
without leafing out

The clock strikes another hour
and asks for forgiveness
it suggests our attempts to escape
were arrows across the sky
purportedly some got stuck
in the dense, wooden clouds

Then I look back at you
in your fog coloured underwear
and butterscotch nightgown laden with
bronze coloured stains
and the clock turns silent again
the lantern's ablaze with
and the arrows are trembling

Fri vers (Fri form) av Tomas Söderlund
Läst 212 gånger och applåderad av 2 personer
Publicerad 2016-10-01 14:22

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Spännande vad som kan ha hänt på tjugo minuter..?! Kanske ett krigsutbrott - kanske en kärleksakt - kanske slutet på en jakt, eller början på en vacker dag...?
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Tomas Söderlund
Tomas Söderlund