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420 feels, 9:30 in the morning the rhythm is real so i be cursed if ididn't let it free

Old Tree

until the sunset, until the sun rise high
with eyes on the horizontal, watch the blue sky
getting lit, on the roof top like it's my last time
keepin my weight light, always ready to die
and being gone, like memories of me
catching feelings, like it was love for real
being down deep in the dirt for a whole century
buried like bones in the depth of a cemetry
can't really see how it will be, life continues
like in multi universes, in all never ending future

my trial to become a better me
always keepin it on the real, covered be revealed
seal the lips of thoughts on wrong
leave like the old tree, the call of a nature song

figure me on a pedagocial reach,
let me leash your deepest feels
get down in to the very steel of a ruined king
a blade of mine, whispiring the walk of a hailed soul
sending out orders like a president ghoul
comin' in strong like a new brand
the flame is unstopable, troublesome on a crazy hand
let them all know, where we coming from
claimin the streets a habit hard to kill
funk in, and feel big, punk the stunk
because you really gotta be ill, strucken a quick thrill
the gunshot that reigned in the neighbourhood
all knew that guy died for no good

my trial to become a better me
always keepin it on the real, covered be revealed
seal the lips of thoughts on wrong
leave like the old tree, the call of a nature song

Bunden vers (Rim) av Origa Rael
Läst 287 gånger och applåderad av 1 personer
Publicerad 2016-12-27 09:32

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Origa Rael
Origa Rael