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Story from my trip to france.

Volunteer in France

My volunteering was one of my best movements in my life, such a impact on my social life, my competence for accepting people from where ever they come or whoever they be, I grew soo much being involved in such a project as ITER. I learned a lot more than I thought that I ever could do on my trip to France. I had soo many prejudices of how it would be like, and all those prejudices were shattered, while I adapted to life as it was in the castle where I lived in. I met people that inspiring me to continue on the goals I have today, even though our contact are broken since long time ago, Im still being inspired by the stories I have been told. Stories from the lives of so many people that I have had an impact with, there is so many diffrent qualities of lives that all matter equally to all and everyone.

Fri vers (Fri form) av Origa Rael
Läst 259 gånger
Publicerad 2017-01-27 15:44

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Origa Rael
Origa Rael