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The bad things about love

Love is like a drug
first you search for it
then you find it

You get dependent on it
you just want more

Love make you blind
you can`t see
you are in a pink world
everything is beautiful
and lovely
nothing can be wrong

Love is like a poison
it can make you sick
if you don`t start to see
the bad things
that might be there

Behind the pink clouds
Behind the charming words,
that make you feel special
Behind the deep, green eyes
that make you dream about the future
Behind the red lips
that kiss you with a passion,
you never felt before
Behind the hands that are warm
and that take your hands
and make them warm
when your cold
Behind the words that says;
\"you`re beautiful\"
\"I can`t live without you\"
\"You`re the most special person to me\"

Behind the word that everyone wants to hear
\"I love you\"

Look behind that pink clouds
and all the beautiful things
before you give your life
to that person

Trust your heart but also listen to your brain

Övriga genrer av sofiavishet
Läst 243 gånger
Publicerad 2006-05-20 16:38

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