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Walking home
In the night
Mellow lights
Shine above
Hidden charms
In a frozen space
Time to find
What´s inside
The cracks in the ceiling
Are shaped like faces
Should be fine
But I´m never
Should be here
But I´m left there
Stuck in between
Ocean in my lungs
So I´m heavy breathing
Ocean in my lungs
So I´m barely breathing
Walk inside
In my mind
Face my fears
All I hide
Take a breath
Feel the air
Cold as ice
All around
Stuck in between
Two waves in the ocean
Stuck in between
The waves of emotion

Fri vers av Anna Elina Julia Ulén
Läst 128 gånger och applåderad av 1 personer
Publicerad 2017-03-20 14:12

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Anna Elina Julia Ulén
Anna Elina Julia Ulén