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Why can't I just be me and not the sensation you want to see - Just a thought about what usually is to be ...

The second grade equation

It feels like
if I have to be
forfilling your expectations

the two roots 
of the second grade equation

to be equally the same

for you to love me

I love you
wether you deliver sensations
or if you don't
Cause you meet my expectations
whatever you chose to do
or won't

So why do you crave
so much more
than all the love I still do
bring to you
like I used to do once before

I don't want to
have to bring you revelations
of publicly expected sensations
Cause I've long time ago
closed that door

All I wish for
is to feel that you may 
love me
the way I am today

That you love me for whom I am 
here and now 
and not for what I used to be before

But somehow it feels like
if you only are able to love
me if I accept the fame
Like if the fame itself
is the only thing that can
enlight the flame
of love in you

Maybe I do am
a true second grade equation
wihich roots
are the inevitable quotation
from which I couldn'
t hide
even if I tried

But even if so
I have to let you go
cause I want to be loved
for who I am
and not for what I do

If you truly love me
I will not restrain
either what I can do
or the fame
that could be prosperous
for both me and you

But if you can't love me true
you'll not ever get to experience
either fame nor any other sensation
in any kind of constellation
within the context of me and you

I rather live the rest of my life alone
than once more 
be having to live up to someones expectations
like I have been doing so many times before

Without true love
I chose to not ever more
open that door

But if I still would chose to so do
it would not be for
anyone else but myself
- and not for you!

And then the door to my heart
will for ever be closed 
for you or anyone like you too

Just hope you'll understand
that I really do want to bring
you and all the other things
our true love could make us do
to our own wonderland

a state of mind
rather than a place 
of some sensational kind
Our perfect moment 
in time and space
a Universe of love 
made out of our own creation
from what we for each other feel
without any expectations

A Universe we make real
without limitations
for what ever sensations
we ever would like to feel



Publicerad här tidigare i januari 2012


Övriga genrer (Drama/Dialog) av Peter Stjerngrim VIP
Läst 366 gånger och applåderad av 3 personer
Publicerad 2017-08-12 01:42

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Peter Stjerngrim
Peter Stjerngrim VIP